Monday, May 17, 2004

Khao San Road
Thai girls with western men, Thai gigoloes with western women, Russian prostitutes with Thai men. Across the road they sell pirated software. A Scandinavian looking women in see through pants and a blue G-string walks past a guy with a mohican and rings in his ears that only the natives of Borneo could like. Yes folks I have landed on Khao San Road.
Khao San Road, pleasure dome and travel center, banking nexus and R&R spot for the modern day nomad. Tuk tuks and taxi's come and go delivering people laden with backpacks, daypacks, camera bags and god knows what else to this the center of the backpacking universe in South East Asia. This whole scene has grown over the last twenty years from two small and crappy Chinese hotels to what has now become a self sustaining system the more people come here the more services are provided and the more services that are present the more people will come down here. Now all this isn't really bad news, after all you have to stay somewhere and a good infrastructure like internet access and good restaurants surely helps to lift a road weary spirit and no one thinks that all of Asia is like this.
So I am going to enjoy it for a while. There is plenty to see and do in Bangkok and at the end of the day I'll sit here on a terrace have beer and enjoy the best show in town.
Now where was the skateboarder with the juggling balls again?

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