Sunday, July 04, 2004

Off to PNG

Tomorrow morning (05/07/04) I am traveling to Papua New Guinea or at least I hope so.
Everything is set and ready to go but the travel arrangements are once again made by the same person that arranged my flights to Brisbane so things are fast and loose.
Again I have not received an itinerary and all I know is that I am supposed to catch a flight from here to Cairns tomorrow morning. No one bothered to inform me where to go from there. Now there is only one flight that goes to Port Moresby after my arrival in Cairns so it's an easy guess that I am on that one. But from there who knows. The good thing is a few of my colleagues are traveling as well so amongst the four of us we should be able to work it out. If not I know a reasonable hotel and some restaurants in Moresby.
If and when I get to site I expect to be out of communication for a few days, certainly no cell phones and email might be sketchy as well. So don't panic but do keep an eye on this blog for the latest info from PNG.

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