Sunday, September 19, 2004

An update from the rainy ridge camp.

Time to update the blog.
Over the last week we have been busy getting a lot of the infrastructure
together and setting up a lot of the peripheral items that we require to
get the job done. I myself am currently keeping occupied by negotiating
with and making arrangements for the caterer to take over the running of
our new camp at Sisibia. This requires a fair bit of effort as the camp
isn't exactly habitable and a "refurbishment" programme is under way.
Yesterday I got a list of things that need to be fixed up in the
kitchen, like getting a stove that works, fixing the dish washer and so
on and all that will take some time. Never the less we are still pushing
for us to move there by the end of next week.
We also had the first job evacuation, one of our local labourers came
down with cerebral malaria and had to be evacuated from a cliff face
where we are doing some bush clearing ahead of the geotech crowd coming
in and drilling some test holes for us. This will largely determine
whether we go ahead with the bridge over the Hegigio gorge at this
point. It's all limestone country here so there is always a significant
change of finding caves where we would like to put our bridge anchors.
The evacuation went smoothly with less then forty minutes between the
first call on the radio and the doctor being flown in and subsequently
the man out.
Other then that it still rains most of the time although I think it was
dry for some time last night or at least I couldn't hear any rain on my
bedroom roof.

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