Friday, November 04, 2005

Back in black.

After a long hiatus I will try to update my blog.
My excuse for not writing is a change of job and a firewall that stops me doing updates from work.
In May the construction manager for the project resigned abruptly due to the stress his work caused him and I filled his position in the interim. A few weeks and some reorganizational changes later, I received my new appointment as Site Developments Manager.
Since then it's been chaotically busy for most of the time and my improvisation talents have been severely tested by anything from land owners disruptions to lightning strikes but I seem to have adjusted ok and overcome the stress and anxiety.
The project itself has gathered up speed we finished the work on the North west Moran Pipeline and are now making good progress on the South East Mananda one and while there is still a fair way to go it looks now good for a finish early next year.
A review of cost and schedule took place in September and October with the reality finally sinking in at board level that if it rains for five months and you didn't allow for that in your schedule it’s going to both cost more and take longer. I guess they will pay more attention to ongoing project work next time!

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