Friday, October 06, 2006


I have spend the last two days walking my way through Singapore and boy am I feeling it. The decision to walk rather then take the MRT or a taxi to most places is realy a very weak attempt on my part to regain some fitness and loose some weight. hopefully it'll have some effect.
As I am a frequent visitor to these parts there isn't much that I haven't seen yet in town but it is always nice to wonder through "Little India" and along Singapore river. The highlight of the last two days was probably my visit to the Museum of Asian Civilisations. A terrific collection and all very well laid out and described.
Tomorrow morning I will be catching a bus to Mersing and if connections and tides work out a boat to Tioman Island where I plan to engage in all these things that hardened explorers usually do like swimming, snorkeling and propping up the bar. I'll doubt they have an internet connection there so next message in a week or so.

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