Thursday, December 07, 2006

You are never to old.

A few days ago I joined the crowds of backpackers in Vang Vieng to engage in the ritual of floating down the local river on an inflated tractor tube and jumping of things.
That's when I met Mike from England. Mike will celebrate his eighty first birthday this week and decided that floating down the river with a bunch of twenty somethings and one middle aged man, me, was just the thing to do.
Now the actual floating is just a minor part of the entertainment. At various parts along the river bars have been set up with attractions like diving platforms and flying foxes that allow you to show your skill in splashing into the water from great height all for the price of a bottle of beer.
Where I shy away from anything over five meters high Mike has no such qualms and even jumped of a trapeze swing that was about fifteen meters above the river.
I hope that I can do things like that by the time that I am eighty.

1 comment:

  1. I admire your and Mike's ageless sense of adventure! I'm a fellow middle-aged adventurer myself ... my wife and I are sailing from our home in Gig Harbor, Washington, to the Caribbean in our hand-built 34-ft. sailboat and just ventured through the Panama Canal. It was our third transit through the canal and was as exciting as the first. It’s an amazing opportunity to experience it! We’re keeping our friends and family updated on our voyage and adventures along the way on our Web site and blog. Check it out at

    (Posted by Mike Bernstein of Bahama Breeze for Bruce and Jan Smith, who are currently at Latitude 9.35 north and Longitude 79.42 west.)
