Monday, August 31, 2009


My travels are finished for now. On Saturday while traversing on a narrow cliff face above the Marsyandi river I lost my footing and fell between seven and ten meters into the river and onto the submerged rocks below. I broke my right arm and shoulder sprained severely my left wrist and busted both knee caps.
Although I hit my head on the rocks as well I luckily didn't loose consciousness and managed to get out of the river where I was found by an old women tending her fields. A little later a young man going the other way took my pack and helped me walk back to the village of Bhulebhule where there is a very rough jeep track leading out. I negotiated for a jeep to take me to Pokhara hospital six hours away where they tended to my wounds and where I am now trying to organise travel back to New Zealand.

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