Friday, August 21, 2009

Wat Phra Keaw

After writing how lazy I am yesterday. I got the sudden urge to actually go and do something so off I went to the river hopped on one of the ferries and took a ride out to Wat Phra Keaw and the Royal Palace.
This is an amazing collection of temples statues and royal regalia with more gold leaf then you would think possible. The temple holds special significance in Thailand as it contains the statue of the Emerald Buddha the protector of Thailand. The statue is actually quite small but it sits high atop one of the most ornate altars possible and there is a constant stream of people coming and going to seek it's blessing.
After a view hours I decided that the heat, it's around 37 degrees during the day, and the bling of the gold was getting a bit to much for me so I retreated to the shade of the nearby amulet market. Here all sorts of amulets are sold that bestow protective or magical powers on the wearer if that doesn't work I also saw some tiger teeth for sale and the skin of what could have been no more then a tiger cub.
As always the markets are an interesting sight, I'll probably go and have a look at a few more tomorrow.

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