Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back in Kathmandu

The trek to Gokyo has been a great success. The weather has been terrific everyday with great views and just the sort of right weather to trek in ,neither to hot nor to cold. As a matter of fact the temperature never dropped below freezing even in Gokyo during the night.
From Namche bazaar the increase in altitude is sharp but the walking itself quite short, and while I am going quite slow these days, I like to blame residual injury but it's probably more like lack of fitness, I still can leave late in the morning and still get at my next destination well before the end of the day.
The knees have been holding up well although especcially on the way back when there are days that you go down over a thousand meters they did complain a bit.
All in all a very pleasant way of recuperating and assuring myself I can still cut it at altitude when it counts.

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