Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A Change of scenery

To me there is such a thing as post hike come down. After flying out of the mountains and into Kathmandu there is 24 hours or so of euphoria, good food a decent room, coffee in the hotel garden. And then comes the crash; the heat, the noise, the unbreathable air, the hassle. At that point in time I normally settle in a routine of planning the next trip or get homesick.
This time however was something slightly in between. I couldn't go on another hike because I'll need my allocated visa time to go hiking with Dave later in the year and going back home for a few months didn't really appeal either.

So plan B.
The situation in Thailand of Reds vs Yellows vs who knows what seems to have settled down for the moment and I know that a bit of swimming, snorkeling and plenty of good Thai food will do wonders for my mood. A trip to the airline office confirmed what I suspected, no problems getting seats to Bangkok, and thus this afternoon I am off to the Thai capital. See you there!

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