Monday, July 12, 2010

Plain of Jars

The plain of jars is an area in the North West of Laos where a large number of stone jars have been cut out of sandstone boulders and then transported to fields surrounding them to, most likely, be used as funerary urns.
As the area is wide spread I decided to join a tour for the day and it turned out to be a good option indeed. We visited two jar sites as well as one of the villages nearby and a cave that was used during the Indochina war thrown in for good measure.
The other rather nice part of it was that I met some very pleasant people who I have now been traveling with for the last five days or so, including a Nepali guy and his English girlfriend as well as a Singaporean Historian who is gathering material for a book. As Michael from Singapore is closer to my age then most we have spend a lot of time talking, eating and drinking coffee together.

A collection of Jars.

Drying Chillies.

Grandmother and Granddaughter.

Mother and Child.

Fence Post.

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