Wednesday, June 01, 2011

First day flights

The day got off to an unexpected start when I got a call while still having breakfast to say my flight from Whangarei to Auckland got cancelled and I could I take the flight that was leaving in twenty minutes instead. So I grabbed my pack while Mum got the car out of the garage, kissed Dad goodbye and raced off to the airport. The flight itself went fine and an hour later I found myself checking in for the flight to Thailand unwashed and unshaven, never-mind I got there.
The flight from Auckland to Bangkok was long and boring as usual with as only interludes me tearing a hole in my shirt when I made an unusual move while shifting in my chair and the flight attendant spilling coffee over my trousers, oh and it looks as if another cold sore is making its way on my lip.
So feeling tired and disheveled I showed up at immigration in Thailand who didn't gave me a second glance, I guess they see my kind of vagabonds all day.
After that it was just the usual maniac taxi driver to contend with and an hour later I was in my room and ready for some sleep.

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