Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Imperial City

Hue's claim to fame apart from being bombed by every belligerent in Vietnam's wars over the last sixty years is that it was the seat of the Nguyen Emperors for close to two centuries.
Given the fact that the Americans actually used napalm on the imperial palaces it's remarkable how much is left standing and of course since those days a fair amount of restoration has taken place.
I had a fine but very hot day amongst the palaces both restored and ruined and have come to the weird conclusion that Chinese temples in Vietnam look more authentic then those in China. Go figure.

Entrance to the Imperial City

One of the rebuilt palaces.

One of the many gates,

Some in better nick then others.

No palace should be without a dragon.

To see a lot more photos of Hue, click on the 2011 Vietnam photo link.

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