Saturday, April 03, 2004

Got up early this morning and found a little Indian restaurant that had the most divine Masala Dosa. You know you are in Asia when you can get the real thing by just walking down the road and picking what looks like a decent restaurant and getting a dosa and coffee.
After that feast I took a combination of subway and bus to the Bukit Timah nature reserve. I had been promising myself for some time now that I would go there and climb Singapore's highest mountain, all 163 meters of it. In spite of it's lack of altitude it is however quite a pleasant jungle area and apparently one of the last unlogged forests on the island. After making it to the top I decided to do a bit of off track wandering and spend the next few hours weaving past little streams and trough various forms of jungle growth including rattan, ouch.. From time to time it rained on me so I was rather pleased with my last minute purchase of a waterproof container for my camera. Oh by the way there are supposed the large a number of monkeys in the reserve but the only animals I saw were some butterflies and a lone squirrel.
It was close to two in the afternoon before I made it back to town and to celebrate me conquering the mountain and to cool down I had an Ice Kachang in the airconditioned environs of one of the Orchard road shopping centers. Some time later I made it back to y hotel had a shower and a change of clothing before doing an early dinner and setting of for the museum of Asian civilizations. For those interested in cultural museums I can heartily recommend it.
Well it's 9.30pm local time and I am going to watch some TV and get some sleep, tomorrow I am of to Malaysia

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