Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Tioman Island
Hi folks, I am currently on Tioman Island of the west coast of Malaysia where I anticipate to be for the next five or six days. The weather is great the sea sparkling blue and I have nice cottage right on the beach. Ahh.... live is good.
In order to keep you all up to date I better give you a rundown of where I've been so far though.
Singapore to Pengerang
In order to try another route from Singapore to Malaysia I decided to take a bumboat from Changi on the eastern tip of Singapore to Pengerang in Malaysia. As it is that part of it was relatively straight forward and the boat trip itself takes about 45 minutes. However when I got there I found out that Pengerang exists of nothing more then a wharf and a customs office. What to do next? Luckily I had struck up a conversation with to Singaporeans who told me that they were going for a cycle ride to Desaru and who had made this trip before. So the solution is to share a taxi between the three of us to the next town where I plan to stay if there are any hotels just to have a bit of nosy around and they will hire bikes for their trip. All that is well ends well and I find a hotel and have a pleasant lunch with the two cyclists after which I have a bit of wonder through the neighborhood. Nothing earth shattering to be found but a nice little kampung all the same.
Right next day I take another taxi this time to Desaru. The taxi driver drops of in front of this huge resort hotel and I decide what the heck might as well check out the price. OK so it's expensive(RM150 per night) but they've a gorgeous golden sand beach a swimming pool with waterfall and water slide and beautifully manicured gardens so yeah I stayed for the night.
Spend most of the day alternating between the beach and the swimming pool with the occasional stop in one of there restaurants. I did towards the end of the day rouse myself enough to walk down the beach and check out the wreck of a fishing boat and while going there saw this really cute jelly fish in one of the tidal pools. Now normally these beasts just wash up as slimy blobs on the beach but this one was alive and well and quite an amazing site to watch.
Kota Tingi
Another day another log distance taxi this time inland to Kota Tingi. Again this place isn't on the tourist circuit u I ad read somewhere that there is an interesting waterfall nearby. So after dropping my back pack in an hotel I went of in search of the falls. As it turned out they are nice enough but quite heavily developed with food stalls all around them and the stream trained into a number of swimming holes. Still the water was cool and I know worse ways of spending the day.
Well that's where I am now I am staying at a place known as ABC and to update this blog I actually had to walk over to Ketek which is on the next bay. This place is close to paradise and I don't know when I am going to leave. I want to go and do a snorkeling trip one of these days as well as trying my hand a batik making as you see I am really busy Catch a next time people.

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