Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Kathmandu update

I have been wandering through the city and slowly getting organised for my first trek of the season. Yesterday I took an American couple and two Dutch women to the Tourist Information Office yesterday, it's on the other side of town and difficult to find for first time visitors. After we all got our permits and TIMS cards and were releaved of $40.00 for the privilege we walked to Durbar square and had a wonderful afternoon visiting all the temples and just taking in the scene.

As I now have my permits and a bus ticket I am off to Pokhara tomorrow and hopefully I will be on the Trail by Friday or Saturday. I will start at Nayapul then walk the Ghandruk loop and all being well I should eventually end up at the Annapurna base-camp. Total trekking time there and back about 2 weeks.

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