Friday, September 10, 2010


Took the bus to Pokhara yesterday for what turned out to be a long and hot ride.
As there are still some quite heavy monsoon rains and no road maintenance the Kathmandu to Pokhara road is in quite a state of disrepair especially the first section from the valley rim down to the Trisuli river. Here land slides have reduced the road to a single lane and that combined with the usual lack of road rules resulted in the traffic jam from hell with trucks and buses backed up as far as the eye could see, and you can see pretty far when you are on the top of a hill.
It easily added three hours to the trip and that combined with the aircon not working on the bus made for a frustrating ride.
On the other hand the country side is lush and green and the river in full flood is spectacular, I am looking forward to starting my hike.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:52 am

    Please take a look at your fathers blog, and the recent post.
